USC Mock Trial Team members have joined the fight to end "zero tolerance" policies that result in children being "pushed out" of school. On April 7th, Public Counsel of Los Angeles Attorney (and USC alumna) Ariel Wander met with the Team and discussed her work as an attorney for children. She also requested the Team's assistance with reviewing documents produced by the Los Angeles Unified School District in response to a California Public Records Act request from Public Counsel. On April 16th, the Team obliged. Members reviewed policies on everything from elevator maintenance to locker searches, through years dating as far back as 1997. Key observations were that the documents produced were at times only marginally relevant to the requests made. Further, entire categories of requests were not answered. The Team looks forward to assisting the L.A. Dignity In Schools Campaign further. The Los Angeles Chapter of the Dignity in Schools Campaign (DSC-LA) is a coalition of advocates, community stakeholders and other volunteers working together to challenge the systemic problem of “pushout” from Los Angeles schools and promote an approach to school discipline policies that values human rights, every child’s fundamental right to an education, and child-centered, dignified reform in schools to keep children in school, rather than current approaches that punish and exclude children. More here: ( - click here - ).