USC Mock Trial Team Opens Season With Outstanding Finish & Perfect Scores in Arizona

November 9, 2008

(First photo - L to R: Casey Wong, Christianna Kyriacou, Catherine Ngo, James Miao, Elvira Kras, Lydia Kwon, Christina Paquette, Ariel Love, Aaron Macris.
Second photo: Lauren Herz, Catherine Veeneman, Jeffrey Skinner)

by Davia Craumer & Robson Hauser On November 9, 2008, the USC Mock Trial Team opened its season by placing three teams in the top ten at the Great Sonoran Showdown in Arizona, hosted by the University of Arizona. In addition to the Team's outstanding placement, multiple individuals were recognized for their performances. Both experience and new talent were honored with individual awards. Lauren Herz, a first year team member, was honored with a witness award. Jeffrey Skinner, a senior, came away with an attorney award. And Catherine Veeneman, in her second year, brought home gold in all forms, winning both an attorney and a witness award, both with perfect 20-rank scores.