How is the Team adapting to account for COVID-19?
Whatever the recommended safety
measures may be - we will likely do more. Additionally, IF
NECESSARY, our program has a plan to cycle through online and-or
in-person classroom learning AND trial advocacy activities and
practices. We have also made arrangements with other schools to
conduct scrimmages and trials using on-line platforms.
While our preferred method
of conducting trials is in-person, the simple fact is that online tournaments do exist. Moreover, many
courts are currently holding some proceedings virtually.
Will the Team travel competitive season?
YES -- with caveats as follows. We will scrupulously observe the dictates of governmental and University officials. Also, unless there is safe seating on any common carrier, we will NOT use that method/company for travel. If there are safe personal travel options, we will use those. We will attempt to enjoy as much of our robust travel schedule as we can. However, safety is paramount. If there is a safe way to travel, we will. If not, we won't.